Friday, June 18, 2010

Gulf of Mexico spill

The whole mess in the Gulf of Mexico really annoys me. I don't understand how anyone, no matter how much they want money, could really not care if they destroy the planet to get it. It's wrong. It doesn't matter which company is responsible, though. None of them are innocent. No one is. Until we can find a better fuel source than oil, things like this will keep happening. And not enough people care. Sure, everyone's sad about the birds and fish in the Gulf of Mexico, but what about the other spills? In Nigeria, over a million gallons of oil spilled into a river delta when an ExxonMobil pipe burst (source: In Utah, oil poured into a creek from a broken Chevron Oil Company pipe. The worst of it is, the oil companies don't care. When Nigerian farmers demonstrated against ExxonMobil, they were attacked by security guards. The companies, including BP, have done next to nothing to try and stop this. I don't mean just the Deepwater Horizon spill; I'm referring to preventavive measures to keep spills from occuring in the first place. If giving up oil is impossible (and for some of us, who live in the country miles from stores and jobs, it is) then we should at least try to be responsible and care for the environment enough to ensure the equipment used is safe and in good condition. It's time for the oil companies to answer for destroying the livelihood of hundreds of Nigerian farmers. It's time for BP to answer for destroying an entire ecosystem.

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