Can I just scream now? I am so messed up, I swear to god. I need to figure this out.
Way I see it, I've got two options, both of which are a major gamble. So the question is, should I settle for the lesser degree, which would reduce my chance of post-college employment? Or should I go for a transfer and risk spending the next 20+ years paying off my education? Decisions, decisions. It might help if I had graduated high school. I was a good enough student that I might have had better luck getting scholarships and work. But no, I had to go and be stupid.
Sure, it wasn't entirely my fault. I was only a teenager, and I thought ministers were trustworthy. But I don't hate him for lying to me. Nah, lying was the least of his crimes against my family. I hate him mostly for destroying my faith.
I mean, I'm glad I got out of that cult. It wasn't good for me, I know that. I just don't know if I can ever get over wasting 20 years of my life, doing all I did in the name of a god that doesn't even exist. And I did some pretty horrible stuff in the name of religion. Brainwashing children into following blindly a religion that promotes intolerance, hate, and bigotry is nothing short of cruel. Especially when that child grows up and realizes what an intolerant hateful bigot she's been.
Speaking of (in)tolerance, I'm so happy that Don't Ask Don't Tell was finally repealed. It's about fuckin' time, let me tell you. I just wish people weren't so stupid about it. At dinner the other night the subject came up, thanks to my homophobic dad and brother. "They're gonna have to do something different about the shower situation. Put in a third section- men, women, gays." "They should treat them like the women, keeping them out of the combat situations. Can't have someone in the field that the other soldiers/marines/airmen/sailors can't rely on." Grow the fuck up. It's not you that'll have to deal with it. And the adjustments that the bigots will have to make are nothing compared to what the gay people went through during DADT.
Anyway. I can't argue against them, because they're both really good at making me look stupid. Not to mention my dad would never tolerate anything that implies gay people are less than evil demons out to molest and convert everyone else. But I can at least change the topic. It's so easy to get them talking about cars and computers instead, and at least I'm only left confused instead of offended. I wish they get a taste of their own medicine one day from someone less cowardly than me.
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